Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Versaitle Blogger Award!!!!!!!


1. In a post on your blog, nominate 4 fellow bloggers for last one up  the Versatile Blogger Award.
2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
3. In the same post, thank the person who nominated you with a link back to their blog.
4. In the same post, include 7 random pieces of information about you.
5. In the same post, include this set of rules.
6. Inform each nominated blogger with a comment on their blog.

Okay lets see.......... I nominate
 1. Leah from All Things American Girl
 2. Quinlyn from Quinny & Co.
 3. Polka Dot from (life is too short not to) wear red shoes
 4. Any dancer!!!!

I would LOVE to thank Miss. Claire from Claires Curiosity  who awarded me this.

Seven random things......................

1. Last night I was the last one still awake at this sleep-over and didn't fall asleep until 3:30 AM and woke up at 8:00 AM I was sweating and praying I could sleep. I'll post bout my wee-end to give you more dets and how I died about twenty times.

2. As I am typing this I am wearing my BFF bracelet that we all got, a PS Aero shirt, and my bro's pj pants.

3. I have a donut sticker on my shirt that is making me want one. Badly.

4. My Mom and I like One Direction. What Makes You Beautiful is my favorite.

5. I just finished an Arthur charcter slideshow for my sister to describe every important Arthur character. She owes me.

6. Our school is having a challenge. We are trying to see which team can answer the most queistinons and donate the most rice. My team is winning. FreeRice is a website where you can answer questions and for every question you get right you donate 10 grains of rice. I donated over 1,000 so far.

7. I am dying to eat Fro-Yo and our town is finally getting a Fro-Yo shop called the Sweet Frog. I am dying to go. Dying, Like I have been wanting Fro-Yo since July. I can't wait til it opens.

Thanks for reading my first 'offical' tag the Disney one was like anyone can do it. Bye!

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