Tuesday, March 6, 2012

things I love #1

So on a lot of blogs I've seen this thing called things I love. When I finally saw that Claire had done it, I decided I must try it! Some people do it weekly, or monthly. I'll try to do it weekly or biweekly. (Every other week for you who are not in my advanced spelling class. Feel free to do it too and send me the link!

1.  Temple Run
 Ohhh I LOVE  this app. I played it 452 times, my longest run is 6,436m, and my high score is 520,236. I am addicted. It's shall I dare say better than fruit Ninjas. Slap me with a Kansas City Pickle. (Anyone know who I'm quoting?) 

2.  Coconut Suave Shampoo and conditioner
       This is my favorite! It smells so dreamy and tropical. I love any Suave shampoo and conditioner. My mom has recently bought me one that ties for this called Everlasting Sunshine. It smells awesome. But alas Suave does not have a picture of it on it's website.

3.  Vanilla Tootsie Rolls

These are so much better than the original. I am so vanilla girl over chocolate. Yeah I'll eat Hershey's chocolate bars but overall vanilla is a much better substitute.

4. Sophia Grace and Rosie's Tea Time With Taylor Swift
 Those girls are SO cute! And than you add Taylor Swift????????????? And a tea party??????? It's like awesome. If you haven't seen it you must. Even if you don't like them. Or Taylor Swift. Which is a crime!

5. Dylan's Candy Bar store

We went here and it's like 'heaven dipped in chocolate'. It is so candylicious and o-mazing. I'm wearing the t-shirt today.

6. The Lorax ( I AM DYING TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

 Can you guess why????????????????              

7.  The Hunger Games
 One of the all time greatset novels. Ever.

8. Pointe Shoes
 Need them. Still have to practice though.


Claire said...

Regarding #1 - your highscore is higher than mine! My highscore is 279,788. Compared to yours, mine looks tiny! ;)

I just saw The Lorax today - it was so funny but it made me sad...

Lexie said...

Honestly it took me two weeks to get it. I really love it and play it like twenty times once I start it. I always saw it in the app store and finally got it. Where do you play it on???? I play it on my Itouch.

Claire said...

I play Temple Run on my mom's iPad. :)

PS - I got a new highscore last night...I believe it's 401,623 or something like that. :)

Lexie said...

I got a new one too! It's 676,680. (not to top you or anything.) I think you should get an Itouch. They are super fun to use. I wish I could have an IPad though. Your lucky your mom let's you play on it. My brother had saved all his Christmas and birthday money to get one and I am never aloud to use it. I have a new post I am working on about celebrity fun facts that I think you'll like. It'll be up tonight