Hello! I know I just posted, but for a few weeks, it may not be as much as before.
Its just my last few weeks of Summer are slowly fading away. I am do all this in August
Celebrating and planning my B-day
Making a TV show (only 5 min. long)
Starting to Train for this Fall when we get tested for our Track Meet
Play with my sister a LOT
Start to find a way to advertise my Baby-sitting
Start a Baby-sitting service
Write a novel I started in July
So, my TV show stars my little sis, and her faux dog.
I appear in some episodes.
I don't have it copyrighted so no one can know about it except my family.
Same goes for my novel.
But, once my show appears on TV you can watch it.
And once my novel gets published, you can read it.
{Thanks for all the followers and readers. I really love you guys. We started the summer with 4, and now are up to 9. Can we try and make it to 15 before September?
Readers who don't follow-please comment more. I get so giddy when I see some!}